Available in stock WESTAR-ONE ECL Substrates for Western Blotting (one-component) WESTAR-ONE BASIC XLSU177 $95.00 WESTAR-ONE BASIC is our entry-level pre-mixed chemiluminescent HRP substrate for mid-picogram detection level in Western Blot. Ideal for routinely analysis. The formulation provides a low background for a high signal to noise ratio. Add to cart
Available in stock WESTAR-ONE ECL Substrates for Western Blotting (one-component) WESTAR-ONE PLUS XLSU178 $120.00 WESTAR-ONE PLUS is a versatile pre-mixed chemiluminescent HRP substrate for mid-femtogram detection level in Western Blot. Its high signal intensity combined with a broad linear dynamic range allows an accurate quantification of both low and high abundance proteins in the same experiment. Add to cart
Available in stock WESTAR-ONE ECL Substrates for Western Blotting (one-component) WESTAR-ONE EXTREME XLSU180 $300.00 WESTAR-ONE EXTREME is the most sensitive pre-mixed chemiluminescent HRP substrate available to date for low-femtogram detection level in Western Blot. Its excellent signal intensity enables to detect very low amounts of proteins reducing the needed quantity of antibodies. Add to cart